Meet Kijsa “Ky”- the Owner & Operator

Hello world! My name is Kijsa. I can imagine you’re wondering a couple of things: How do you pronounce that name? Where did it come from? My name is pronounced with a long i, silent j and an ‘s’ sound not a z. My name is Swedish for Karen. I am 32 yrs old (almost 33) and have decided for my business sake that my clients can call me Ky. Ky is much easier to pronounce. I have 16 years worth of experience in the healthcare field. I began my journey into healthcare at the age of 16 and I haven’t look back. My foot care business has been up and running since 2013.

I graduated from Barnum High School in 2006. I earned highest honors with an Associate of Art’s Degree from Lake Superior College in the same year, actually graduating from LSC a week before my high school graduation. I took a year off of school to regather myself and de-stress. I then continued my education at Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College for nursing. I graduated with honors and an Associate of Science Degree/Nursing diploma in 2011.

I have always had a passion for healthcare, earning my certification as a registered nursing assistant when I was just 16 years old. I worked as a nursing assistant while attending nursing school to earn my LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and continued to work as an LPN while earning my Registered Nursing (RN) Degree.

My business cards read Kijsa Irwin, RN, CFCN, which stands for Registered Nurse and Certified Foot Care Nurse.